Neighborhood Information
DeKalb County, GA  30340


Resident Directory

Address Map
(Click on map to find owners in directory)

Area Information
(Good Info for New Residents)

Neighborhood Watch

Neighborhood Contacts
(volunteer committees, etc.)

Useful Numbers

Government / Civic

Neighborhood Watch

Responsibilities of Neighborhood Residents

  1. Know your neighbors.
  2. Exchange phone numbers, types of cars and other pertinent information with your neighbors.
  3. Let a trusted neighbor know when your going to be away from home.
  4. Make sure your home is adequately secured.
  5. Watch out for suspicious persons or cars.
  6. Keep a log (time and date) of suspicious activity.
  7. Keep your block captain informed as to crime incidents that occur at your home or that you witness in which you have to call and make a police report.  Call the POLICE immediately at 911 if you suspect criminal activity is taking place at your home or your neighbor's home!

Alerts & Updates (on this web site's Bulletin Board)

Crime Information:

  • DeKalb County Police
  • Crime Mapping
    (Very cool.  Shows locations and types of crime on a map - can be very slow unless you have high-speed internet.  Also, it runs faster in Firefox than in Internet Explorer)

Neighborhood Watch Coordinator:
          Wilbert Tremble, 4042 Menlo Way

Block Captains (Click on names for directory listing)

Block #(s) Name Address
1 Sean McCandless 4210 Gladney Drive
2 Maureen Strickland 4177 Gladney Drive
3 Christine DeStaercke 4109 Gladney Drive
4 Nick Demos 4100 Gladney Drive
5 Stacey Helenbrook 4015 Menlo Way
6 Barb Bowman 4053 Menlo Way
7 Laura Fletcher 4085 Menlo Way
8 Lalith Silva 4114 Menlo Way
9 Randy Johnstone 3051 Wembley Forest Court
10 Andy Lyke 3056 Wembley Forest Place
11 Frank Domina 4035 Wembley Forest Way
12 Kevin Schoonover 4058 Wembley Forest Way
13 Scott McAuley 4091 Wembley Forest Way
14, 15, 16 John Warthman
*Need volunteers to take over 14 & 16
3088 Wembley Ridge

Neighborhood Watch Block Map

This page was last updated Saturday, 30-May-2020 13:52:46 EDT.
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